Emergency Eye Care in Phoenix

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Get Help When You Need It

No one wants to deal with an eye emergency, but accidents can happen to anyone at any time. If you need urgent eye care, we’re here to help protect your eyes. We have the experience, knowledge, and technology to address eye injuries and emergencies. 

Even a minor injury can cause serious damage to your vision if it’s not treated promptly and properly. Trust your gut, and don’t delay emergency help when needed.

If you’re experiencing sudden vision changes, severe eye pain, or trauma to your face or head, seek immediate medical attention. You can reach our emergency care line at 602-995-1166.

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What Is an Eye Emergency?

There are several reasons why you may find yourself in need of urgent eye care. Signs that can indicate you need emergency eye care include:

  • Sudden vision loss
  • Injuries to the eye
  • Lost contact lens in the eye
  • Objects in the eye
  • Sudden onset of floaters or flashes
  • Scratches, cuts, or abrasions to the eye or eyelid
  • Chemical exposure to the eye
  • Severe eye pain or discomfort

Common Eye Emergencies

Eye emergencies are any injury or condition that can lead to vision loss. Getting immediate help is critical for protecting your vision and preventing further damage. 

Chemical Eye Injuries

A chemical injury to the eye can be caused by contact with solid, liquid, powder, or aerosol chemicals. The damage can occur within minutes of contact.

Symptoms like a burning sensation, pain, redness, excessive tears, and blurred vision all signal a potential chemical eye injury. While some injuries may only cause surface damage without causing vision loss, others can lead to permanent vision impairment or blindness.

It is important to seek immediate medical attention if you experience a chemical eye injury. In the meantime, flush the eye with clean water for at least 15 minutes to help remove any remaining chemical residue.

A corneal abrasion is a surface-level scratch on the front surface of the eye (the cornea). A corneal scratch can cause:

  • Pain
  • Blurred vision
  • Feeling like something is in your eye
  • Tearing
  • Redness
  • Light sensitivity
  • Swollen eyelid

Most corneal abrasions heal in a few days, but you may need antibiotic drops to prevent infections. If left untreated, an infection can progress into a corneal ulcer, which is an open sore on the cornea.

Foreign Objects

If there’s a foreign object in your eye, try gently flushing it out with clean, lukewarm water. If you wear contacts, remove them first.

Don’t rub or pick at your eye if you can’t dislodge it, which can worsen the injury. Instead, visit our office immediately for emergency care. Our team has the specialized equipment to safely remove the object.

Flashes of light are described as seeing shooting stars or lightning streaks in your vision. Floaters are small, dark spots or shapes that float across your vision. When tiny strands of the vitreous, the gel-like fluid in your eye, stick together or shrink, they produce shadows or pull on the retina. Floaters are usually harmless and common with age.

However, if you experience a sudden increase in floaters or flashes, it could be a sign of a retinal tear or detachment, which is a serious condition that requires prompt medical attention to prevent permanent vision loss.

Save Your Vision with Urgent Care

Taking action after an eye emergency can prevent permanent vision loss. Don’t ignore the issue—even minor injuries or those without immediate pain can pose a threat. Protect your vision, and contact our team at Van Buren Optical for immediate assistance during any eye emergency.

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Visit Our Locations

Missouri Ave

  • 1130 E Missouri Ave, Ste 100
  • Phoenix, AZ 85014
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West Valley

  • 9520 W Palm Ln, Ste 120
  • Phoenix, AZ 85037
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Desert Ridge

  • 18404 N Tatum Blvd, Ste 202,
  • Phoenix, AZ 85032
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